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Garda Salary

Garda Trainees will receive an allowance of €305 per week for the 36 weeks leading to attestation.

Accommodation and food is provided by An Garda Síochána while resident in the Garda College. Garda Trainees attest after 36 weeks and move onto the first point of the Garda incremental salary scale of €35,322.

Garda Trainees will receive an allowance of €305 per week for the 32 weeks leading to attestation. Accommodation and food is provided by the Garda College.

Garda Trainees attest after 36 weeks and move onto the first point of the Garda incremental pay scale of €35,322.

The incremental scale rises to €55,592 per annum after 8 years with two further increments after 13 and 19 years’ service which bring the maximum of the pay scale to €59,842 per annum after 19 years. Other allowances may also be payable, including for unsocial hours, as may overtime.

Source: Public Appointments Service

Prepare for Success in the Competitive Garda Selection Process

The competition for the selection of Garda Trainees attracts a very high number of applicants in every campaign. Accordingly, the selection process to become a Garda Trainee is rigorous, with candidates required to undertake a range of relevant assessment tests and exercises over a number of selection stages.

Our courses are carefully designed by experts in the industry and in Garda Recruitment. We have been successfully preparing candidates for Garda Recruitment campaigns for over 30 years. No one else can come close to that experience.

Becoming a Garda is an exceptional career decision which is why only a select few will make it through the process. These candidates know the importance not only of preparation but of investing in the best preparation.

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Garda Career Information

An Garda Síochána

Becoming a member of An Garda Síochána is an exceptional career decision. It is a permanent position that offers a number of great benefits such as:

But perhaps most importantly, it is a position that is respected by people up and down the country because as a Garda, you will be making a proactive contribution by building relationships and trust within the community.

Garda Preparation Courses
An Garda Síochána

Selection Process

Unfortunately, it is not easy to become a member of An Garda Síochána. To do this, you must prove yourself by navigating through a rigorous selection process. This process will not be made any easier by the vast numbers of people who will be applying for the recruitment campaign.

However, you may feel comforted by the fact that since 1987, thousands of candidates have successfully availed of our services before you. These candidates are now either serving members of An Garda Síochána or are students currently attending the Garda Training College in Templemore. We fully recognise that our very best advertisements are the recurring recommendations that these individuals provide to members of the public on an on-going basis.

In fact, we encourage you to ask members of An Garda Síochána about our services. We are confident that they will endorse our position as the most successful Garda preparation course providers in Ireland.

Garda Recruitment ProcessGarda Entry RequirementsTraining
Selection Process

Pay & Career Progression

Gardaí who have the required skills may apply for promotion to the role of Garda sergeant, and climb the ranks of an Garda Síochána.  The Ranks of An Garda Síochána are:

→ Garda
→ Sergeant
→ Inspector
→ Superintendent
→ Chief Superintendent
→ Assistant Commissioner
→ Deputy Commissioner
→ Commissioner

Career ProgressionPayscale
Pay & Career Progression

A Garda Trainees Experience

Garda Trainee Aisling Butler speaks about her experience. (Source – Garda Press Office – Careers Portal)


Do I really need to prepare?

Think of preparation as one of the best investments you could ever make. You are giving yourself the best chance at success in the recruitment campaign and at gaining a great career with the following benefits:

This is a competitive process and often successful candidates are brought forward by order of merit. So, preparation is not just important in order to pass the Garda tests but also to maximise your scores in them. Candidates that prepare have an instant advantage.

Garda Preparation Courses
garda female image

Why Us?

What is it worth knowing that you are giving yourself the best opportunity to succeed in the assessments?

Our experience has shown us that the most serious applicants do not believe in taking shortcuts. Neither do we. We focus on providing the highest quality preparation and have done so for over 30 years. As a result, our courses are the best in the market.

Simply put, we give you the best opportunity of succeeding!

careerservices - Why Us

Please note: We are not affiliated with An Garda Síochána or the Public Appointments Service (the official recruiter) and our courses are optional.

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