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Course Funding Options

Did you know?

If you are in receipt of a Social Welfare payment, you may be eligible for a grant to pay for our courses

See Our Courses

TSG (Training Support Grant) /
TESG Support Grant

A person who is getting one of a number of social welfare payments, including jobseekers, can apply to the Department of Social Protection for a training support grant of up to €1,000. This grant provides the financial resources to respond to the identified training needs of a jobseeker.  As part of the July Stimulus the funding available to a jobseeker increased from €500 per year to €1,000

The Training Support Grant is there to facilitate any jobseeker who can show the need for training to help them gain employment / self employment or can demonstrate a gap in their certification which prevents them getting a job. The Training Support Grant is for short term training only.

What Do You Need to Do?

Contact your nearest Intreo / Social Welfare office.

All Intreo Placement / Social Welfare Officers should be aware of the TSG / TESG. 

Generally a candidate will discuss funding options with their case officer and they will either be approved or not for the course by the respective social welfare or Intreo office.

The usual process is that we would receive a form from the candidate or welfare officer to fill out and send back. Then if approval is granted, we would give the candidate access to the course and send an invoice at that stage. We are happy to fill out any application forms that might be required by  your case officer.

See here for a list of Intreo centres and local branch offices.
Whilst our courses are not QQI accredited they do often receive approval for funding but this is down to each individual intreo / welfare office and is provided on a case by case basis.

The usual process is that we would receive a form from the candidate or welfare officer to fill out and send back. Then if approval is granted, we would give the candidate access to the course and send an invoice at that stage. We are happy to fill out any application forms that might be required by  your case officer.

See Our Courses
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