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Garda Entry Requirements

Garda Entry Requirements

Eligibility criteria is published by the Public Appointment Service at the beginning of each recruitment campaign in a document called ‘Candidate Information Booklet. The basic eligibility requirements are outlined below (Based on 2024 Recruitment Campaign (download full document here).


(i) Be of good character

(ii) Be certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner (nominated by the Commissioner after consultation with the Minister) to be in good health, of sound constitution and suited physically and mentally to performing the duties of a member of the service.

(iii) Have passed a Physical Competence Test


(iv) be 18 years of age but not yet 50 years of age at midnight on Thursday, 8th of February 2024;


(v)  Be a national of a European Union Member State, or

Be a national of a European Economic Area State, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or the Swiss Confederation or

Under the International Protection Act, 2015 and in compliance with the Admissions and Appointments Regulations 2013, as amended, be

(i) a refugee or a family member of such a person in relation to whom a refugee declaration is in force and continues to be in force for the entire duration of the Garda Recruit selection and admissions process or

(ii) a person granted subsidiary protection or a family member of such a person in relation to whom a subsidiary protection declaration is in force and continues to be in force for the entire duration of the Garda Recruit selection and admissions process or

by the closing date of the advertisement of this competition, have had a period of one year’s continuous residence in the State, and during the eight years immediately preceding that period, have had a total residence in the State amounting to four years;

The onus is on candidates to provide documentary evidence that they continue to meet the eligibility requirements throughout the process and to update the Public Appointment Service and An Garda Síochána of any changes that might impact their eligibility.


by the closing date:

(a) have obtained an Irish Leaving Certificate with a grade D3 or O6 minimum in five subjects at Ordinary Level*, or

(b) hold a minimum of a Level 5 Major award (120 Credits) on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), or

(c) hold a recognised qualification (at Level 5 or greater), deemed comparable to the above in terms of both level and volume of learning as determined by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)


** Subjects taken at Foundation Level Leaving Certificate are not considered equivalent for entry to this competition. In certain cases, a Pass in the Applied Leaving Certificate may be deemed equivalent to an Ordinary Leaving Certificate. A H7 grade is also deemed equivalent to an O6 grade.

The Public Appointments Service may verify the validity of qualifications other than the Leaving Certificate with Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). Candidates may refer to the National Academic Recognition Information Centre which offers advice on the academic recognition of foreign qualifications in Ireland.


(d) be proficient in either or both of the following:

i) the Irish language

ii) the English language

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Please note: We are not affiliated with An Garda Síochána or the Public Appointments Service (the official recruiter) and our courses are optional.

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