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About the ESB Apprenticeship Programme

The ESB Apprenticeship programme is by far one of the most popular apprenticeship programmes each year. Below we have outlined some general information about the ESB apprenticeship opportunity for those interested.

Candidates are encouraged to consult the official ESB website for definitive information during recruitment campaigns. Recruitment usually starts in spring each year with successful candidates usually commencing training in autumn of each year.

As an Apprentice Electrician/Network Technician, this programme offers you on the job learning as well as classroom-based learning.

Apprentices benefit from varied work experience, working both indoors and outdoors and will learn a variety of electrical and practical skills. ESB Networks is well-known for its high-quality apprenticeships which result in qualifications in the electrical and mechanical trades.

The ESB Apprenticeship Offers:

Preparation Course

Preparation Course

Candidates that apply for the ESB Apprenticeship Programme are required to submit an online application form, do a series of online aptitude tests and an interview as part of the selection process.

IMPORTANT: Please note that based on previous competitions eligible candidates that apply will receive an invitation via email to complete online aptitude tests. They are then usually given a short number of days in which to complete the tests. Anyone interested in our preparation course is thus advised to engage with the preparation course before submitting an application. Our courses are optional.

Our Course
  • Our apprenticeship course is exceptional preparation for anyone looking to succeed in the ESB aptitude tests and interviews. Our courses have far-reaching benefits and transferable skills providing you with life-long interview skills which can be used for any job application!
Topics covered in the course:
  • Find out more here

Apprenticeship preparation

ESB Apprenticeship Entry Requirements

The ESB Apprenticeship Eligibility Criteria

(minimum age 17)

Educational Qualifications

Candidates must have obtained the following minimum standards at the time of applying:

Junior Certificate (Ordinary Level)
5 Ordinary-Level Grade C’s / 5 Merits or higher in the Junior Certificate (or equivalent) in the following subjects:

Irish or English 2) Mathematics 3) Science* 4) Any 2 other subjects

For Candidates who were due to complete Junior Cert in 2020 and 2021, you will need to get a list of predicted grades from your school to ensure you have the educational requirements to apply


Leaving Certificate

Ordinary-Level Grade D / O6 or higher in the Leaving Certificate (or equivalent) in the following subjects:

Irish or English 2) Mathematics 3) Science Subject (Agricultural Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physics & Chemistry) 4) Any 2 other subjects

*If you have not obtained the required grade in any of the above Science subjects, the following is acceptable at Leaving Certificate Level (Grade D /O6 or higher at Ordinary Level) : Art, Construction Studies, Design and Communication, Graphics, Engineering, Home Economics, Technical Drawing and Technology.

ESB Apprenticeship Training

The ESB apprenticeship is a 4-year programme combining on-the-job and off-the-job training to complete 7 SOLAS phases.

You will also complete the following in the National Training Centre in Portlaoise:

ESB Apprenticeship Recruitment Process

The ESB apprenticeship selection process is usually carried out in two stages:

1) The aptitude tests

After submitting an eligible application candidates are invited to undertake a series of online aptitude tests. In previous campaigns candidates were given  a set number of days (usually 5 days) to complete the list of online psychometric assessments.

These assessments have included:

2) Interview

Successful candidates at the aptitude tests stage will be invited to sit an interview.

This popular apprenticeship means that the selection process is competitive. There is a high volume of applicants each year and in order to progress to the interview stage candidates must perform well at the aptitude tests.

Preparing for the ESB Assessments and Interview

We at Career Services help prepare hundreds of candidates for the ESB apprenticeship and other apprenticeship selection tests and interview. Our popular preparation courses give you all the tools you need to maximise your performance in the assessments and to ensure you are best prepared for the interview should you proceed to this stage. Not only are our preparation courses appropriate for the popular ESB Apprenticeships, they are also appropriate for many other apprenticeship competitions such as Aer Lingus, Bord na Mona, Bus Eireann, eir, Iarnrod Eireann as well as hundreds of other private company apprenticeship competitions.

Most apprenticeships would use very similar styles of aptitude tests and interviews. In addition, our courses have far-reaching benefits and provide you with life-long interview skills. We have two course options to choose from. See our apprenticeship section or find out more about how to give yourself the best chance at success in the apprenticeship selection tests with our course options below.

Preparation Course

Start Preparing for the ESB Recruitment Competition with our Course
12 Months Instant & Unlimited Access!

IMPORTANT: Applying for a Career Services preparation course is not applying for an apprenticeship. Career Services is a private company that helps people to prepare for entrance exams and interviews and bears no association or influence with the organisations mentioned on this website. Our courses are not mandatory they are optional courses. 

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