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When will the next Garda recruitment competition take place?

Garda Recruitment Campaign

2024 Garda Recruitment Campaign 

An Garda Síochána launched a Garda Recruitment campaign in January 2024.

Deadline for applications was 3.00pm Thursday 8th February 2024

Selection Process will include: Aptitude Tests, Competency Based Interview (via Zoom) & Fitness Test

Those that applied will be required to be successful at a number of competitive stages including the Stage 1 online aptitude tests, Stage 2 competency based interview and Stage 3 fitness test.

Give yourself the BEST chance of success with our renowned preparation courses.

Is it too late to start preparing?
Absolutely not! This is the time to prepare. Those that apply will be required to be successful at a number of stages including the Stage 1 online aptitude tests, Stage 2 competency based interview and Stage 3 fitness test. Stage 1 of the recruitment process (the aptitude tests) will not take place for a number of weeks (March) following the opening of applications so there is ample time to prepare.

Prepare for all the recruitment stages with our complete package (currently on special offer): Garda Complete Package

Prepare for the Stage 1 aptitude tests with our Stage 1 preparation course

Next Garda Recruitment Campaign

The force has stated that it intends on running recruitment campaigns on an annual basis to ensure a steady stream of trainees entering the Garda college. The next campaign is expected in 2025. Stay informed of the next Garda recruitment campaign by signing up to our FREE Job Alert

Please note: We are not affiliated with An Garda Síochána or the Public Appointments Service (the official recruiter) and our courses are optional.

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