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Firefighter Preparation Course

Our Firefighter online course is a one of a kind comprehensive course, featuring online practice tests aimed at helping candidates familiarise themselves with the format and style of aptitude tests that have been used in previous Firefighter recruitment campaigns, including those used in Dublin, Cork City & Waterford City Firefighter recruitment campaigns.

The stages of the recruitment competition generally include physical fitness test, aptitude/psychometric tests, work-related tests, competency-based interview, and a medical. However, the order of these can vary between competitions. We specialise in preparation for the psychometric tests and interviews used in these kinds of competitions. The online preparation course covers everything you need to maximise your performance and become fully familiar with the firefighter assessments. It also includes comprehensive preparation for competency based interviews.

Prepare for Success

Developed by experts our firefighter online course covers everything you need to become fully familiar with the firefighter assessments. It also includes comprehensive preparation for competency based interviews.

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