Executive Officer Preparation
The Executive Officer (EO) role is a crucial first-level management position in government departments and agencies. Success in securing this role requires passing challenging aptitude tests and an interview. Our course is specifically tailored to prepare you for these assessments.
Vastly Increase Confidence
Reduce Your Anxiety
Maximise your Performance
What students say
97% Recommend our Course
(based on our most recent 2024 Executive Officer customer survey)

Why Choose Our Course?
Since 1987, Career Services – The Entrance Exam Experts has been Ireland’s leading provider of preparation courses for the recruitment stages. Thousands of candidates have successfully achieved their career goals with our support.
Our preparation course is optional but it is excellent preparation for the aptitude tests and interviews used in the selection process for Executive Officers.
What You'll Get
- In-depth Verbal & Numerical Reasoning Modules: Learn strategies, tackle tricky questions, and develop methodical approaches.
- Hundreds of Practice Questions: Sharpen your skills and build confidence before the real test.
- Full-Length Practice Tests: Simulate the exam experience and identify areas for improvement.
- Video Tutorials: Get clear explanations and expert insights from our expert tutors.
- Comprehensive Interview Preparation: Master EO interviews.
Bonus: Access to our knowledgeable customer support team for any questions.
Our knowledgeable customer service team are always available to help via phone, email, and social media.

Course Content
Click on modules below to find out more
Verbal Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning Lesson
- Learn about the different formats and styles of verbal tests
- Develop an approach to complete verbal tests
- Implement the approach on sample questions
- Learn about tricky vocabulary that can be used
Verbal Exercises
- 2 x Full Guided Verbal Exercises
- 8 passages with 40 statements
- Follow our tutor as he gives a comprehensive explanation of the answer after each exercise
Practice Tests
- 9 Full Practice Tests
- 300+ questions
- Fully Worked Solutions
Video Tutorials
- Expert Video Tutorials
Numerical Reasoning
Numerical Lesson
- Unitary method
- Fractions
- Ratios and proportions
- Percentages
It is necessary to have a firm grasp on these concepts before attempting any numerical assessment.
Practice Tests
- 9 Full Practice Tests
- Timed & untimed practice tests
- Fully worked solutions
- 250+ questions
Situational Judgement Tests
Expertly designed practice.
Written Exercise
Expertly designed guidance on the written exercise.
Competency & Capability Based Interview
- Why interviews are used
- How the process works
- The activities of the interview board and candidate
- Reference Materials
- Question Categories
- Application Form
- How to identify the competencies for your interview
- Performance / behavioural indicators
- Generating ideas for your examples
- STAR Method Assessing your examples
- Preparing Examples
- Condensing your information & reviewing
- The importance of verbal practice
- What to expect on the day
- Tips
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