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Garda Salary

Garda Trainees will receive an allowance of €354 per week for the 36 weeks leading to attestation.

Accommodation and food is provided by An Garda Síochána while resident in the Garda College. Garda Trainees attest after 36 weeks and move onto the first point of the Garda incremental salary scale of €37,311.

The incremental scale rises to €57,985 per annum after 8 years with two further increments after 13 and 19 years’ service respectively. Other allowances may also be payable, including for unsocial hours, as may overtime.

Source: Public Appointments Service

CSO figures also show that An Garda Síochána had the highest average weekly earnings and average weekly paid hours in Q2 2024 in the public sector at €1,782.49 and 43.2 hours respectively.

This competitive pay structure, combined with meaningful work, makes a Garda career both financially and personally rewarding.

Prepare for Success in the Competitive Garda Selection Process

The competition for the selection of Garda Trainees attracts a very high number of applicants in every campaign. Accordingly, the selection process to become a Garda Trainee is rigorous, with candidates required to undertake a range of relevant assessment tests and exercises over a number of selection stages.

Our courses are carefully designed by experts in the industry and in Garda Recruitment. We have been successfully preparing candidates for Garda Recruitment campaigns for over 30 years. No one else can come close to that experience.

Becoming a Garda is an exceptional career decision which is why only a select few will make it through the process. These candidates know the importance not only of preparation but of investing in the best preparation.

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Please note: We are not affiliated with An Garda Síochána or the Public Appointments Service (the official recruiter) and our courses are optional.

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