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TY Work Experience Workshop

This workshop provides students with the knowledge, confidence, and motivation to enable them to successfully apply for work experience opportunities.

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careerservices- Schools & Students

What’s Included

This is the live element of the TY workshop delivered by our expert tutor. The workshop can be delivered in person or via a live webinar to students. Delivered to students by our expert tutor.

Workshop topics

  • Searching for a Work Placement
  • Applying for Work Placement
  • Preparing and Writing a CV
  • Writing a Cover Letter
  • Interview Preparation
  • Review


Comprehensive workbook which students get to keep.

What's included

TY Work Experience Section

Part 1: Starter Questionnaire

Part 2: Applying for a Placement

Part 3: CV

Part 4: Cover Letter

Part 5: Ask your Supervisor

Part 6: Review  


Additional Job Seeking Skills Section

Part 1: Application Form Filling

Part 2: Interview Preparation

All workbooks are printed using 100% recycled paper.

E-Learning Platform

Students are provided with 12 months access to our award winning e-Learning Platform.

Students get 12 months access to supplementary online resources following their workshop session.

Modules covered:

  • CV Writing Online Course
Additional Information

Additional Information

How much does the course cost?

The cost of the course can depend on a variety of factors including the amount of students attending etc. Please contact us for workshop prices.

How long is the workshop?

We can work with you to arrange times based on your school start time and lunch breaks.

An example schedule is provided below:

Based on 3 sessions with 2 classes in each.

8.45am to 10.45am

11.00am to 1.oopm

Lunch between 1.00pm and 1.45pm. 

1.45pm to 3.45pm

When would the workshop take place?

We would liaise with the school to decide on the preferred date. Access to the e-Learning platform would be for 12-months from this date.

How many trainers deliver the workshop?

One of the following two trainers would run the workshop:

What experience does your company have?

We have been providing preparation to students since 1987. During this time, we have prepared tens of thousands of students for assessments and interviews for entry into various careers.

careerservices - Why Us

How to Book

If you would like to book our workshop or discuss it further please simply contact our office and we will be delighted to speak with you. 

PHONE:  028-22977

FREEPHONE 1800 212 212


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