Who should use this course
This course is for Garda Sergeants who wish to apply for promotion to the rank of Garda Inspector. Members must have passed the internal Inspector Promotion Examination in the last 5 years and should have applied for the selection and appointments process on before 31st of October 2023.
This course is for candidates who wish to prepare for the psychometric assessments and interview in the selection process.

What you will learn
- Familiarise yourself with the different styles of assessments that are used for these promotion competitions.
- Recognise patterns in questions and develop methodical approaches to help you answer assessment questions.
- Guidance through the interview process from the application form, to understanding the competencies, to developing examples for each of the competency in the area.
Access Duration: 12 months (Interview materials can be made available for longer if your interview is scheduled later)
How it will help you
- You will have all the preparation materials you need.
- On-demand access to our award winning e-Learning platform means that you will be able to tailor your preparation around your busy schedule.
- The course is designed in a linear format so it takes the stress out of creating a preparation schedule.
Course Content
Click on modules below to find out more
Verbal Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning Lesson (40 mins)
- Learn about the different formats and styles of verbal tests
- Develop an approach to complete verbal tests
Guided Verbal Exercise (40 mis)
- Sample verbal & problem solving passages
- Tutor led video explanations
Practice Tests
- 2 x Full Practice Tests (59 questions each)
- Format based on previous 2021 assessment
- Timed/Untimed
- Fully worked solutions
Numerical Reasoning
Numerical Lessons
- Unitary method (35 mins)
- Fractions (30 mins)
- Ratios and proportions (40 mins)
- Percentages (45 mins)
It is necessary to have a firm grasp on these concepts before attempting any numerical assessment.
Practice Tests
- 6 Practice Tests (162 questions)
- Timed/Untimed
- Fully worked solutions
Situational Judgement Tests
- SJT Guided Lesson (25 mins)
- 3 x Full Situational Judgement Test (54 Scenarios)
Inspector Interview Preparation
Briefing Exercise
- Guidance on Briefing Exercise
Interview Video Lessons
- Interview application form guidance
- Understanding the key competencies
- Making the most of reference materials
- Developing examples for each of the competencies
- Practicing potential questions
€199.00€199.00Buy Now!

Who we are
We are Ireland’s no.1 preparation course provider. We are a small team of dedicated professionals who work full-time in the assessments preparation industry. Since 1987, we have been providing preparation for public service entrance assessments and have helped over 50,000 candidates to achieve their dream career.
There are thousands of serving members of An Garda Síochána that have completed and recommend our courses.
During the design of our courses, we work with expert tutors, experienced e-Learning designers, and candidate focus groups. Our methodology is candidate focused to ensure you receive the best possible tuition and practice materials delivered through the most up to date education technologies.
€199.00€199.00Buy Now!
What our clients say
Below is a small example of the feedback received from various Garda rank members that have used our services. We have left out identifiable names at clients request.
“Overall I would say that the course was worthwhile and it did help to prepare me for the real test. As proof of the efficacy of the course I can say that I was indeed promoted and your course was of assistance to me in achieving that promotion.”
~ Serving Superintendent
“Without the help/assistance of Career Services I definitely would not have been in the right mindset for this test. In relation to numerical tests I know for a fact I would have failed in this section if not for practicing over and over on the Career Services website. The examples provided are more than enough to get you over the line as the live test was extremely similar to the examples provide”
~ Brian (promotion competition)
I don’t know how I would have fared without the help of Career Services. They gave a clear direction and strategy for doing well in the various stages. The course instructors were brilliant. The work put in on your own time is massively important but with the direction of Career Services, you know what to aim at and how to hit it every time. I couldn’t recommend the course and people involved more highly”
~ Gary, Co. Dublin