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Mature Nursing Aptitude Test 2025

If you are 23 years of age or over and applying through the CAO for Nursing or Midwifery as a mature nursing student you will have to sit online aptitude tests in April/May 2025. This is a computer-based assessment. The Mature Nursing Aptitude Test is conducted by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI). You must be successful in the aptitude tests before being considered for on an offer for your chosen nursing degree course.

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What is involved in the Mature Nursing Aptitude Tests?

The Mature Nursing Aptitude Tests will consist of a Verbal Test, a Numerical Test and Job Simulation Exercise. Information about the assessment test and familiarisation material is released in advance of the official exam. Registrations for the official tests are made on the NMBI website

Test 1: Verbal Test: 

This test is designed to measure the ability to understand information in a series of passages.

Test 2: Numerical Test: 

This test is designed to measure the ability of the candidate to carry out calculations on common day-to-day mathematical problems.

Test 3: Job Simulation Exercises: 

This exercise attempts to identify your likely response when presented with scenarios typical of what could occur in a job situation. This exercise measures a range of skills and qualities required in the Student Nurse role, ranging from taking care of someone, through to taking responsibility in a situation, In this test you will be required to read through a number of scenarios and then choose which one of a list of possible actions you would do, based on the information presented in the scenario.

So What Do I Do Now?

Mature Nursing Aptitude Test Preparation Course

70+ reviews

Start preparing with the best preparatory courses in the market! We have been preparing applicants for the mature nursing aptitude tests since it’s introduction!

Our experience, expertise and track record are second to none. We have 35+ years of experience. Become fully prepared for the Mature Nursing Aptitude Tests.

Courses include: 

Preparation Courses

Please note: Career Services is a privately run education company. We have no affiliation to the Nursing and Midwifery Board Ireland, the CAO or the Test provider. We base our preparation courses on the types of tests that have appeared in previous years and have had great success with this method. Our courses aim to give candidates the very best tuition with the information that is available at the time of the preparation course but obviously we can take no responsibility for any future changes that the NMBI make to the exam. 

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