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Don't just take our word for it! See what students just like you had to say about our preparation services...

Olufunke Akintade

Mature Student Nursing

Tracey Quinn

Mature Student Nursing

Jasmine Davis

Mature Student Nursing

Please Note: Applying for a Career Services preparation course is not applying for an apprenticeship. Career Services is a private company that helps people to prepare for entrance exams and interviews and bears no association or influence with the organisations mentioned on this website. Our course is not mandatory it is optional.

Preparation Course

I was applying as a mature student to do nursing and I didnt know what to expect. Career Services helped me to gain not only a high grade in the assessment but also to get my number 1 choice in first round offers for mature students. It has been the best investment towards my career so far. I would highly recommend this course to any future mature student heading into nursing. I want to say thank you for your support (when I emailed) and for taking the time which you invested to create such a great course to help with preparation for the NMBI assessment.  Thank you for helping me reach my goal and get my number one offer. Forever grateful for the start of my career in Mental Health Nursing.

Alana Lafferty, Donegal 


I just wanted to send an email to thank all the team at Career Services! I completed the course for the nursing assessment and successfully passed the exam. I was offered my first choice of Midwifery in Trinity College and will be starting in September! I cant explain how happy I am and I want to thank you all because I would not have been able to complete the exam without this course. The information and support given was more than helpful! I have and will be recommending Career Services to everyone! Thank you again for all your help.

Niamh Glacken, Dublin 


Just wanted to update that thanks to Career Services and its informative and supportive tools along with the seminars were a huge value aspect to me successfully passing the exam with a score of 196, leading me to successfully being offered 6th July. I accepted my first choice offer of Trinity College to study Children’s and general nursing in Sept 2023! Thanks again for the course and it will be highly recommended as part of any preparation as a mature student.

Lorraine Kelly, Dublin


I just wanted to send this email to thank you for the  preparation course you provide for the mature nursing assessment.  I took the exam in 2022 without any preparation and scored 148 points. I took the exam again this year after taking the preparation course and scored 205 points. I was offered my first preference choice for general nursing this morning. I am absolutely delighted. Again, thank you for providing the course it’s so beneficial for applicants! 

Ger, Co. Dublin


Just want to say that thanks to the Career Services course I have been offered my first choice of midwifery. I have no doubt that if I had not invested in the course I would not be starting in September. Numerical would not be my strong point but the instructor made it easy to understand so I had no issues flying through the questions in the exam. If you have any doubts about the assessment at all I would absolutely recommend taking this course.

Sharon McMahon, Cork 


To say that I am impressed with your NMBI preparation courses is an understatement. I don’t know how to describe my joy and emotions. This is my first time of trying this assessment test and it is also the last time because I met the qualifying standard and I was also offered a place in my first choice of University. Before a friend recommended your course to me, I had zero confidence and zero knowledge of the Mature Nursing assessment tests. Taking the preparation courses with you gave me the knowledge, the speed and the confidence I used in writing the exams. I am forever grateful that I did this course with you and I will highly recommend this course to anyone who wants secure a place in nursing as a mature student

~ Oge Onyia, Dublin 


I had heard about Career Services through a friend. He had also used the service and had successfully passed his assessment and went on to get a place in UCD. I had a look at the website and booked in for a session. Maths was not my strongest subject, never had been, so I knew I needed the additional support. I completed the webinar and I felt for the first time in the whole application process that maybe I had a chance, this was doable. The online resources where amazing to practice and the mock exams gave me insight to what I should expect. When the test format was released I was contacted straight away and told this by Career Services so I knew what to expect. I honestly can’t thank them enough, I was successful in so far as I’ve passed the assessment, I’m just waiting to hear about a place in college. If you’re seriously thinking of applying for nursing this is the way to go. Every section of the exam was covered in the learning materials. I can’t thank Career Services enough, and I will be recommending them to anyone who is applying after me. 

~ Karina Whelan, Dublin

A work friend who got sponsored to go to university and train as a nurse told me about the Career Services course. It took me 3 years to eventually get the time to give it a go (university). I’m not in yet but I’ve received the results of my test, and I feel I’ve scored well, better than most. The initial day in January online set me up for everything I needed. I learned how numeracy works and the best way to find an answer. I practiced as much as possible before the test and if it weren’t for the course I wouldn’t have got near it, that’s a fact. I’m glad I spent the money personally and I feel I’ve done enough to get in. Will have to wait and see now. (Marc scored 193)

~ Marc Fussell, Limerick (2022)


I’m currently waiting eagerly for next Thursday to see if I get any offers. I scored 175 in the assessment test which means I am in with a chance of getting my course. Without a doubt this is thanks to Career Services. When I heard I had to do an aptitude test which included maths I didn’t think I would be able to do it as I was so weak at maths at school. I then found Career Services’ preparation course and purchased it. Worth every single penny. Such good value for money. The webinar was fantastic and covered the numeracy, verbal reasoning and job simulation so well and in so much detail. Numeracy was the area in which I was not very confident and after the webinar I felt so much more confident and practiced on the online platform every day where I got to the stage where I could answer 15 correct questions in 5 minutes because of the techniques we were shown during the webinar. Career Services were so helpful; always keeping us up to date on the assessment such as changes, dates, new materials etc. Points are very unpredictable every year and If I am unsuccessful I will purchase the Career Services package again next year. I would recommend this course to anyone planning on doing the assessment. 

~ Sarah Farrell, Monaghan


Good afternoon ,just want to say thank you for your help all through the work materials to the assessment that yield positive results, I got a place from CAO this morning ,keep up the good work and God Bless.

Sandra Amadi, Louth 


Thank you so, so much for the fantastic webinar day. It gave so much understanding and gave me so much hope I can do this and I will achieve my dreams.

~ Fiona Gilmer, Cavan 


Thanks to Career Services, I don’t think I would have done it without your preparation. A little background story – I have been trying for nursing since 2017. After three failed attempts, I stopped trying. I decided to try again in 2021 after getting diagnosed with dyslexia.  I attended the webinar with an open mind and practised all questions. The mock exam was fantastic and felt like a real-time test. We were also notified of any changes and provided more practice questions. The Instructors were excellent – enthusiastic; they did a great job of getting as much engagement as possible in an entirely virtual setting. They made complex concepts straightforward to understand. I thought the virtual learning experience was quite good. There did not seem to be anything lacking. Excellent delivery – clear, concise and engaging. I passed this year and am in the first of Mental health nursing. I Highly recommend Career Service to prospective students. BEST €165 I have spent!!!!

~ Anon, Carlow  


“I want to thank you for being part of my journey to become a nurse as a mature student. I went on to study Psychiatric Nursing at Dundalk Institute of Technology to which I graduated this year on the 29th October 2021. Not only did I graduate with First Class Honours but I was also conferred with 2 awards:

1. President’s Prize for Academic Excellence for having the highest GPA score for my course 

2. President’s Prize for Contribution to the Life of the Institute and/or the Community it saves

Honestly, I don’t think I would have achieved all that without the help of your organisation as I had no idea of what to expect concerning the mature nursing entrance exam prior to your preparation course I undertook. As I reflect on my journey after being a mature nursing student with own family and also coming from an immigrant background, I look back and realise that if it wasn’t for Career Services, probably I wouldn’t have made it this far so thank you very much. I hope you will continue with the excellent work that you do because you are changing lives (most of the people I refer to your organisation pass their entrance test and are grateful for the service). I will continue referring prospective mature nursing students to your organisation as long as possible. Once again, thank you very much.”

– Ethel Matarutse, Co.Louth – Psychiatric Nurse


“2 years ago I was working all over the country as a professional musician. When covid hit and the music industry fell apart I was at home as a single mum with two small children trying to figure out where to go next and what to do, wondering how I was going to provide a stable income and future for my family. I decided nursing was the way forward, but leaving the country or even leaving the county wasn’t an option. I had one shot and that was nursing in WIT. I signed up to Career Services. The day online and the evening classes that followed were incredibly useful and informative. As were the vast amount of practice papers. When the format was released and had changed from previous years, you guys adapted so quickly and had new practice exams available online almost instantaneously. When it came to sitting the exam I was so well practiced, I didn’t waste time being intimidated by the exam ahead of me. I was ready. And the rest, as they say, is history. I got the spot I wanted and I start my nursing degree in September in WIT. Thank you all so much. And to anyone reading this review… Book the course. If I can do it, so can you.”

– Michelle Haberlin, Co. Kilkenny 


“I’d just like to say first off, I am absolutely thrilled with my results, 208 points and hoping for midwifery. My experience as a whole has been brilliant! I cannot fault your course one bit! The webinar day was great and so clearly explained, the fact we had a mock exam helped massively to prepare, the group grinds after were also great to go through the mock exam. The study material released was great to get practicing especially with accuracy and speed. Your course helped massively with my confidence to take the exam as I knew I had done the work leading up to it. The new study material after the booklet was released was great too. There was constant support throughout the course and updating of notes accordingly. I would not have done so well if it wasn’t for your course! I have 0 regrets about purchasing your course… I am thoroughly thrilled I decided to go ahead with this course and would recommend it 100% to anyone going for the nursing/midwifery exams. One more week to find out If I was successful but I know even if I’m not I will do this course again next year. Thank you very much for everything.”

– Siabhra Reilly, Co. Meath


“Got my results – I got 202! Absolutely delighted with the results and really feel that I wouldn’t have achieved them without your course.  I got into the program I wanted (Midwifery at TCD) despite the massive increase in points this year. Thank you so much!!! You provided an excellent program even with all the last minute changes to the test!”

– Wendy Walton, Dublin 

“This course to me has been the most relevant to get me into Nursing. Highly recommended for Non-English speakers. English is my second language and I did not have a single trouble to understand the teachers nor the exercises.  I would like to express my deep thanks and appreciation for all the efforts that you have exerted in preparing and presenting the practice program for the Nursing assessment.  I was really impressed by your innovative methods of teaching and the way you used the audio and video programs and tools in order to support the learning process. Despite the fact that the assessment was a nightmare this year, Career Services did everything far and beyond to help us to rise the challenge. I got my top choice, General Nursing – but remember you need to work around an hour every day in the exercises.”

– Maria Recio, Co.Kerry 


“I’ve just been offered my first choice  general nursing. I’m delighted and very proud of myself. I achieved 195 in my exam. I want to thank the Career Service’s team for the fantastic webinar course I did, and for all the materials provided on the E- learning platform. Especially Eddie and Patrick who are excellent tutors. They broke everything down and simplified it. I didn’t do too well in my mock exam earlier on in the course. It did give me a taste of what was ahead. Even though it was daunting, I studied every day with all the course work provided including all the extra update material I received. I’ve been out of education for decades and I had lost all confidence in my academic abilities especially maths. I’m absolutely sure if I had not done the Career service prep course I definitely would not have met the qualifying grade let alone had got an offer. I also want to thank Grace who was always at the other end of the phone. She was like my phone a friend. Just for all you mature students thinking about applying I recommend you do the Career Service course and go for it. It’s never too late. I’m 52 years old and this has been a life time dream that’s soon to become a reality.”

– Jacqui Burke, Co. Kerry 


“I am absolutely thrilled with my score. I not only got 214, but also top marks (80/80) on my verbal and numerical assessments. English is my second language so I am very proud of my achievement. I wouldn’t have been able to reach those scores without your invaluable resources undoubtedly. I have to thank you all for the amazing support you provided us with, for the continuous updates to your online program so we would be prepared for what was to come. Even when things got stressful and a new provider was taking over, changing the assessment as we knew it, you had our backs. You never let us down, so we felt confident that we had everything that we needed to succeed. If I had to purchase your services again, I would do it in a heartbeat, but hopefully I will get my place and I won’t have to! Thank you very much again to everyone that belongs to Career Services.”

– Marta Healy, Co. Wexford 


“It’s an excellent course, it’s straight to the point, it’s incredibly helpful in preparing for the actual exam, and the trainers come across as objective, empathetic and non-judgemental. As an academic and numerate person I was hesitating as to whether I would need the preparation course. I’m glad I did as I wouldn’t have done well at all without it. Just because I have a decent academic background doesn’t mean that I was actually prepared to succeed in this particular test, the particular style of questions and the time constraints. Independently of whether I get offered a place or not, I believe the course helped me maximise my chances of success.”

– Eva Policarpo, Co. Galway 


“I’ve passed my exam ! Thank you so much to you all for the excellent classes and lectures . I couldn’t have done it without ye. Thank you.”

– Yvonne Conway, Co. Offaly 

“I obviously don’t know how successful I will be with my CAO application, but to say I improved my chances is an understatement. And there is no doubt it is because of your course. My confidence with verbal reasoning was very low and I never could do them or understand them, which was the reason I decided to your course. I had to do the retest of verbal reasoning under severe pressure (let’s just say in a changing room during work!) and to pass this was down to the practice I had with your course content. Even when the layout of the assessment changed you supplied the material to help me, especially with the speed in which to complete these tests. I’ve attached my results as my improvement is massive to me personally. I did the written test in 2015 and did not meet the qualifying standard.” (Tara scored 203!)

– Tara Kelly, Co.Sligo 


“This was no easy year for anyone, especially students. As a mature student going forward to sit the aptitude test, Career Services went over and above for all their students. The online tutorials were amazing and the support was just fantastic. The online portal was extremely useful as students were able to practice mock tests as much as they wanted to so that they felt comfortable when it came to the real thing. Without the continuous support they provided there would have been no way I would have done as well as I did. I highly recommend them to students going forward! You won’t regret it.”

– Rebecca Burke, Co. Kildare 


“Very grateful to you for the support. I have thankfully passed the mature student exam and now have an anxious two week wait to see if an offer comes my way. The content you provided was invaluable to me with regard to passing the exam and I was particularly grateful to be able to go back after the technical glitch the examiners experienced which I found very distressing. Thank you so very much again and best wishes.”

– Sharon Fagan, Co. Wexford 


“I am very happy with my results. All my tests are well above the average! 

Preparation course was really helpful, informative and supportive. It helped me to prepare myself to react and answer quickly for all the questions. I would really recommend Career Services as a training platform.”

– Rita Ciudac, Co. Dublin 


“Thank you so much, I’m delighted with my result of 192. I wouldn’t have done it without Career Services, thank you so much.”

– Colleta Mseva, Co. Limerick 


“Delighted I passed the exam. My highest mark was in maths which I have struggled with all my life so I was really nervous with the exam. Would highly recommend the Career Services day to anyone thinking of doing nursing and midwifery. Thank you so much again for your support and endless amount of help and support.”

– Nikita Murray, Dublin 


“I’m delighted with my results I got 207. Thanks very much for supporting me through it via the webinars and the course. I found it really good and without it I probably wouldn’t have got this result.”

– Nicola Feeney, Co. Westmeath 


“Just wanted to say thank you for the great service that you offer in helping to prepare for the nursing assessment. I found it to be hugely beneficial, particularly as the exam this year threw up some curveballs. I found your team to be very responsive and reactive to those changes. I was very happy with my grade from the test and credit this to having joined the preparation program. A friend of mine who was successful in getting a place in university as a mature nursing student recommended your program and I will also be recommending it to my peers.”

– Aoife Bradley, Co. Westmeath 


“I was successful in Completing the Assessment, I feel absolutely thrilled. I thank you for the assistance of Careers Services! Highly would recommend to a friend. Through online the professional teaching and support throughout was nothing short of incredible. I’m awaiting to hear from the CAO. But I must make ye aware that their service is top class! I was never interested in school. But with the help of careers service I’m successful in a stepping stone to my dream career of nursing. And I can’t thank ye enough!”

– Aileish Hardiman, Co. Galway 


“I was very pleased with this preparation course! I highly recommended it. I was provided with everything I needed from the start till the end which led me to achieve a really good result. I’m happy with the result I received because of this course! Thank you so much for everything.”

– Manaiah Silva, Netherlands 


“So happy I did the career services preparation course! Well worth the money!

Thank you for everything that ye did as I reached 195 points which I am delighted with!”

– Adam McCarthy, Co. Cork 


“I am very  satisfied with  your  service. The preparation  was on point. I couldn’t  have done it without you. I was successful with the exam. I will definitely recommend  Career Services. Thank you very much.”

– Mankazana Tshuma, Co. Wicklow 


“Last year I was devastated after an unsuccessful assessment (short by 2 points in verbal reasoning to be qualified). But this year I tried again and succeeded . All that because of the way Career Services team  trained us and my determination. Also, the good thing I like about Career Services is a regular follow-up of candidates, making sure they do not miss important dates regarding assessment or any important dates from CAO. I will really recommend your services to anyone. Thanks again for everything.”

– Christelle Ndevu, Co. Louth 


“I would like to thank all of your team for all the help I received. I will definitely recommend the course in a heartbeat to anyone planning on taking the Mature Nursing student assessment. Even though I have not received my results yet (fingers crossed for a pass) I felt comfortable and confident sitting the assessment due to the course and all of the invaluable information you provided us. The course day, mock exam, grinds and last minute changes and extra material provided after last minute changes to the assessment were all such a massive help. I also have to commend you on the speed of  your responses to the questions I had. I wish you all the best and I hope I don’t need your services again next year!”

– Sophie Sankey, Kildare 


“Just to say thank you for a brilliant nursing prep course.   I learned a lot and thought the lessons and practise was extremely helpful and relevant.  I used the materials daily for months and felt very prepared. I took the tests today and I feel very good about them all.”

– Wendy Walton, Dublin  


“You deserve so much more appreciation for sharing your knowledge. This is a quick note to let you know you were born to share knowledge. You were absolutely the best tutor.”

– Salma Yusufu, Donegal


“I just wanted to send a very thankful note to say that I thought your course was so helpful which I attended in Galway in February. I got Mental Health Nursing in NUIG and am so grateful and just wanted to thank you all for your continued support with materials you provided during these very testing times as without it I don’t think I would have been successful in the test.”

– Mary McHugh, Galway


“I received and accepted a college offer today, Nursing, my 1st preference on the CAO. I’d like to share this good news and credit your help with exam prep. In hindsight, attending the workshop was a great idea. Really helped to get organised and handle timing better. Thank you.”

– Nelly Bergman, Dublin

“I have just completed my nursing assessment. I would like to thank you all at Career Services for your ongoing support, especially during this difficult time for everyone. The preparation course with Patrick Nealon was just so informative, easy to follow, positive and encouraging. I left there feeling I could be successful. The support I received before the assessment was announced to go online was amazing. Since then, the support and guidance I received has been absolutely outstanding! The extra material, the emails, the well wishes, have made all the difference and gave me courage and confidence to do the assessment. If I had not attended the preparation course and received the support of Career Services, there is no way I would have even understood half the questions. Whether I pass or not, I have done it and am very happy with myself. The value for money of your support is just out on its own. I will be highly recommending your prep course to everyone I can, never stop doing what you are doing, you are helping change lives and make dreams come true! Your professionalism and genuine support is just unbelievable Thank you all so much! All the very best to all of you. Please pass on my special thanks to Patrick Nealon, amazing at his job and has helped me to get this far”

– Imelda Reynolds Co. Offaly

“I just wanted to say thank you for the brilliant support you have offered those of us who signed up to your Mature Student Nursing course. I really didn’t expect any additional materials and to then have the further videos and material after the announcement of the online provider is just absolutely brilliant. You’ve gone above and beyond – thank you so much!”

– Natalie Moore Co. Cork 

“I just wanted to send a thank you to Career Services & my trainer on the day. I completed the nursing preparation course in Stillorgan this year. I just got my first-choice of midwifery in UCD. There is no doubt that if I had not done the course I would not have got my choice. The course prepares you so well and gives such good tools to practice for the test. I will be sure to recommend the course to anyone interested. Thanks again”

– Carla Kelly, Co. Dublin 

“I’d like to express my thank you for your help at the Mature Nursing Preparation day in February this year. I passed the exam with an overall result of 171 and have been offered a place in General Nursing in UCC. I thought it might be helpful, for your own statistics, to let you know that I previously sat the exam in 2014 – achieving a result of 161 and failing to secure a place. So, the proof is in the pudding that your course brought up my score by 10 points. I previously struggled enormously with the Numerical Reasoning part of the exam, and your course helped me think more clearly on the day. The biggest difference was the Verbal Reasoning section – which I previously thought I didn’t need any work on! Thanks again”

– Sophie Gahan, Co. Cork 

“Dear Career Services :), The course day with Career Services which I attended in Limerick this year was genuinely the most informative course day I have been to. I wrote this on our feedback on the day aswell – but every single word to describe any aspect of information was so thoroughly explained, in a detail I’ve never experienced in school or college. Maths in particular was always an area I struggled with but had I have had the same teacher in school it would never have been a problem for me. I attended the mock exam Career Services held aswell and from doing so I felt like I at least knew the exact order the real exam would take and that in itself relieved more anxiety. I thankfully passed the 3 stages of the exam but am still waiting to hear if I have got a place on a nursing degree course. I really don’t think I would have passed had I not attended the course and sat the mock exam with Career Services. Thank you so much again and don’t change a thing!!!”

– Aisling O’Meara, Co. Laois 

“Booking the Career Services day was probably the best decision I made prior to attempting the mature student exam and without a doubt it helped me pass all three exams. I would not have any idea about the exam layout, questions or timings. The tutor was extremely helpful, answering questions, giving handy tips and taking time to explain the material. We were given sample questions in the session, as well as further study material online, which I would have been so lost without. Practicing the questions everyday and taking into account what I learnt in the session helped me to achieve great results.”

– Faryal Bagum, Co. Dublin 

“Both my friend and I attended the Career Services course in Waterford this year. When I glanced through the material at the beginning I thought to myself ‘there is no hope of me getting through this test’ but as the instructor went through it all and broke down each section my confidence grew. I practiced with the take-home material every week especially the maths because I was never any good at maths in school. The test day came and because of the course I was never as confident in my life going into a test centre. When the results came out I placed in the top 20 in the country out of over 1200 people, I got the highest in the maths section! My advice to anybody thinking of doing the exam for nursing is DO THE CAREER SERVICES COURSE! I couldn’t recommend it enough and I would have never passed without doing it”

– Ciara Doyle, Co. Wexford 

“I absolutely cannot recommend ‘Career Services’ enough. Eddie was an unbelievable tutor, stripping everything back to basics. I was most nervous about my numerical reasoning and was surprised when I scored the highest in this area. I passed all 3 parts with comfort, even after attending a wedding the day before the 9:30 am exam, which would have been impossible without ‘Career Services’. Thank You”

– Gemma Gibbons, Co. Mayo 

“I would highly recommend the Nursing Aptitude Preparation course. I undertook the nursing examination last year without undertaking this course and missed out on my chosen course by two points. This year I undertook the aptitude preparation course and increased my score by 18 points and am now on course to receive my first choice course of Adult and Children’s nursing. I was delighted with how the course was run and the tutor was very nice and knowledgeable. The online test questions were wonderfully helpful and all of the handouts and discussions surrounding how to approach the questions and job simulation were so helpful. I practiced these questions over and over again and without doing so I definitely would not of increased my point score. I really owe my success to Career Services and any future candidate should definitely do this course. Thank you!

– Jennifer Byrne, Co. Dublin

“I highly recommend anyone who wants to pursue a career in Nursing to do a 1 day course provided by “Career Services”. I passed all my three tests and I do not think I would have passed without attending their preparation course. On the day of the course the tutor was very patient, clear and informative and he also gave us some notes to practice at home and online log in details for our personal accounts on their website to practice so that we get to carry our notes wherever we go, I was doing another course at the time so I would practice during my free periods and lunch time which was flexible. All three areas of the tests were covered on the preparation course day and I was glad that everything we covered prepared me for the exam as there were no surprises for me and I knew what to expect. I am now excited about the future. I cannot recommend “Career Services” highly enough to anyone who wants to kick start a career in nursing as a mature student, it is never too late, dreams can come true. Thank you Career Services, the best money I ever spent”

– Ethel Matarutse, Co. Mayo

“Hi, I attended the Career Services prep day in February of this year in Dublin. I just want to say without the course I wouldn’t have ever been able to do as well as I did. I scored 192 in my exam and 70/80 out of the maths test (I failed junior cert maths and leaving cert maths TWICE) so my confidence was really low as I’ve always been really poor with numbers. I studied around 2-3 hours per day with the online platform and this is the reason I did so well. I’m now praying I get my first choice midwifery in trinity college. Also thank you for the mock exam as the maths questions all came up as did a lot of the job sim questions! Thanks again best money I ever spent and thanks to Eddie he was great”

– Nicola Lynch, Co. Dublin 

“I’m writing this email in response to the Mature Entry Nursing Exam prep day that I went to in March of 2017. I attended this course roughly a month before the exam, which was in April. The course was all day from 10:30 – 6pm with lunch provided in the hotel we did the prep day in. I found the tutor, Mr Nealon, did an exceptional job at explaining the contents of the exam to us. I have Dyscalculia which is a form of dyslexia concentrated on Maths, and Mr Nealon is the only person in my entire life who has ever successfully explained the methods of which to figure out maths equations in a manner that I understood, but also in a manner that I remembered and was able to put into practice. I know for a fact that I would not have done as well as I did in my exam if I hadn’t done the career services Prep Day. The entirety of the exam was combed through extensively, everything was explained from the logic behind why the questions are asked to the physical structure of the exam. There isn’t one thing that was explained to me in the exam that didn’t happen on the day. I would 100% recommend Career Services. They provide an invaluable service. Hoping I get my place this year”

– Corinne Feeney, Co. Sligo 

The tutor is well-experienced in delivering this preparation course and knows very well about the Mature Nursing Assessment. The way he presented is very interesting. As English is my third language, my reading speed might not be as fast as those native speakers. The preparation course provided by Career Services definitely helps me a lot, especially the testing strategies. Without their help, I wouldn’t have been able to secure a total score of 195, which I am pretty satisfied with. I will highly recommend this to anyone who are thinking of taking the Mature Nursing Assessment and if you do, make sure that you take time to do the online practice tests!!!

– Charlotte Xie, Co. Dublin 

I would recommend all mature students to do the course lesson with Career Services, I myself was reluctant to pay but I did and don’t regret it one bit, the tips and guidelines where very helpful, it helped me manage my time wisely and I passed all three exams. Its  A SMALL PRICE TO PAY FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE.

– Fortune Anyanwu, Co. Dublin

“It had been recommended to do the preparation day run by Career Services by a past pupil. I would highly recommend doing the course day. I don’t think I would have passed without it. The man on the day was very friendly and overall, it was an extremely informative course. It helped to ease my worries about the upcoming exam. The course gave a great insight into what to expect on the day of the exam. They also sent us home with practise questions for all three modules as well as online practice questions. Would definitely recommend the course to everyone going to do the Mature Nursing Aptitude Exam. Thank you so much!”

– Kristina Forbes, Co. Dublin 

“Dear Career Services, I would like to inform you that thanks to you I got a fantastic score of 197 in my assessment test. Attending your workshop has definitely given me the confidence and the edge going into the assessment test. Your tutor was excellent and the practice tests which instantly show how I am doing were absolutely helpful. I would definitely recommend you to anyone who wants to join nursing through the mature route”

– Koteswar Kareti, Co. Cork

 “I got an offer for general nursing and I am absolutely over the moon. I have recommended your course to everyone I know, because it was my first time doing the aptitude test and I doubt I would’ve scored so well or gotten an offer without the course. Thank you”

– Rosarie Cotter 2017

“I am so happy to participate in the career preparation for the 2017 mature nursing course. Yes indeed the program helped me prepare well in advance for the CAO exam and I am happy to say yes I pass all the 3 subjects.  The tutor teaches in a professional way that made it easier for me. I will definitely recommend the program to my friends.  Thanks to all the team”

– Mariam Sillah, Co. Dublin 

“The day I walked in to the course, I had no idea about the exam. But after spending time with instructor they gave me all the information that I should know. I practiced with the materials in the last one week and I did pass. Thank you so much”

– Titus Thomas, Co. Cork

“I am a 40 year old female striving to make a career change that I’ve always wanted. Your prep course and mock exam helped me prepare as best I could and I thank you for providing such an excellent course. It helped me over come my initial fears of applying. I found both days very helpful and if I secure the placement I wanted, I will be delighted. Many thanks.

– Sharron Hughes, Co. Dublin 

“I attended the mature nursing aptitude exam first time without any exposure about it. I attended the career services course for a day, the methodology of teaching and the learning materials helped a lot in getting through the exam . I am delighted and definitely recommend career services”

– Cynthia Augustine, Co. Dublin

“I was recommended the career service day from a friend that had previously done it. I found the person that was running the course to be very friendly and informative. He helped you feel at ease and was very helpful with any queries that needed to be clarified. This course helped me to be able to prepare for the nursing aptitude test with confidence. They also give practice questions that can be accessed online. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is considering entry to nursing as a mature student. I passed the exams thanks to career service as they really gave me a feel of what to expect on the day”

– Helen Norris, Co. Waterford 

“I just want to thank you Career Services for the wonderful experience I have during the lecture. All the techniques is very helpful during the exam proper. Our tutor tackles every single aspect on how will you cope up on the pressure and time management during the exam. And it also explains very well the subjects to focus on which is very relevant for you to pass the exam. Again thank you very much and I highly recommend Career Services to anybody. Keep up the good work. And by the way I passed all the exam”

– Clem Cruz, Co. Dublin 

“I got my first choice for general nursing in WIT, this was my first year applying. I can honestly say that without the career service day and the exam prep day I would not have been offered a place, never mind my first choice. Everyone I dealt with from career service was professional and seemed to have a genuine interest in helping everyone get through the dreaded exam. Thank you so much Career Services!”

– Emma Tobin, Co. Waterford

“I would just like to say that doing the Career Services course for the nursing was the best thing I ever did, worth every penny.  It is so encouraging and gives you your confidence back as a mature student trying to better yourself.The people doing the course are so easy to get on with and make you feel confidant and relaxed. I felt I could do anything after doing this course and although I didn’t get the result I wanted I didn’t feel to bad because I did better than I ever thought I could and I will keep trying and I will take part in this course again just for the boost it gives you. So thank you Career Services from Paula who hasn’t studied in a long long time”.

– Paula White, Co. Kilkenny 

I got my 1st choice offer of midwifery in UCD with a score of 187, I cannot thank you enough for providing the course. I don’t think I would have made it without it! I couldn’t recommend the course highly enough to anyone thinking of applying in the future. The mock exam also helped take some of the nerves away. Thank you again.

– Adrienne Maher, Co. Dublin

“I would like to highly recommend “Career Services”. I passed all three exams for nursing. The tutor for the day was very nice and extremely informative presented the course well. We covered everything in the course that was in the exam. The notes we got to bring home to revise were beneficial. Without this course I wouldn’t have had an idea of what to expect. I was more relaxed going into the exam. Well worth the money thank you for your help”

– Fiona Lynagh, Co. Donegal 

“Thank you I made it, everything about the program was awesome. It goes a long way and helpful”

– Victoria Akinmuko, Co. Louth 

“I highly recommend the career services prep day!!. I know for sure I wouldn’t have scored as well as I did if I hadn’t. Everything that is on the exam is covered on the day and the online practise tests are perfect for getting prepared!”

– Jamie Ambers, Co. Dublin 

“Great course, very informative and was great preparation for the exams I would highly recommend it to everyone”

– Fergal Dooley, Co. Kerry 

“Thanks for organising this course career services it was indeed very helpful. It’s helped me to be prepared. I recommend it to a friend too and both of us passed. Thanks again for the follow up, materials and your services”

– Gloria Imade, Co. Dublin 

“Hi, Thanks for your help guys. I have passed my exams for 2017 with very high marks… couldn’t imagine doing it without your training. Very helpful and an absolute must for anyone who wants to try pass PAS exam. Thanks a lot!”

– Michael Stokluska, Co. Waterford 

“Absolutely essential before sitting the nursing/midwifery exam. Couldn’t of passed it without it. Completely put me at ease going into the exam. Thank you”

– Kerri Harrison, Co. Limerick 

“I received an offer for General Nursing in St. Angela’s Sligo it was my first choice and I’m delighted. Thank you to all at Career services the course was extremely helpful especially the online learning platform as well as the mock exam”

– Niamh Pilcher, Co. Mayo 

Yes I got my offer! I got Trinity Mids which was my 1st choice with a score of 189. That’s with a big thanks to your preparation course! I know I can academically complete this degree without any major issues, but I would not have been prepared for the exam format or layout. So with a lot of gratitude I thank you all at Career Services for the support.

– Bernie Malone, Co. Dublin 

“Hi I got an offer of my first choice, children’s and general nursing in DCU. I achieved a very good mark in the exam and this is basically down to the career services day and practice tests. I also took the mock exam which is one of the main reasons I scored so well in the exam. Thank you so much”

– Gemma Whearity, Co. Dublin 

“After all these years my dream finally came true. If I had not taken the preparation course this would not have been possible for me. I used the time keeping skills and smart tips throughout the test which I otherwise would not have known, and this enabled me to achieve a strong pass result. It’s not just a course, it’s an enabler to dreams coming true and for that I thank you – One very happy future nurse!”.

– Holly Buckle, Co. Kildare 

I would just like to say that I cannot recommend “Career Services” highly enough. I passed all three exams for nursing. It was a one day course, very relaxed atmosphere. The tutor for the day was very nice and extremely informative. We covered everything in the course that popped up in the exam. We were also given notes to take home and revise, which surprisingly enough I did ! We had a lovely meal and even got chatting to a few others there.  Without this course I wouldn’t have had an idea of what to expect. I felt a lot more confident sitting the exams and prepared, and I passed. Best money I ever spent. I cant thank you enough”

– Liz Morgan, Co. Kildare 

“I recently completed my mature student nursing preparation course with career services. I found the service to be very professional and 100% worth doing . As a mature woman it has been many years since I had attended school so this preparation course was an absolute god send to me and without it I would most definitely not have passed. I recommend this service 100%. absolutely outstanding. Thanks so much to everyone at Career Services.”

– Nicola Beaumont, Co. Westmeath 

“I could not praise the career services team enough for the help and structure that they set out during the practice day. It was so beneficial in helping me understand what was required of me during my exam and the strategic planning around how to answer questions helped me to answer most every question given in the time frame allowed. I imagine that I would have struggled a lot otherwise,  and now that I have passed my exam ( yaaaaay !) I can look forward to starting college and following my life-long dream in the nursing profession. The career services give every applicant an equal opportunity and encourages confidence going into any exam. Thanks again guys, and I just want to say keep up the good work, you are making dreams come true everywhere you go..well mine anyway”

– Sarah Cullinan, Co. Tipperary 

“I did the mature nursing exam prep day and I have to say it was the best thing I did. I passed my exam and scored quite high. I honestly don’t think this would have been possible without the Career Services prep day. The prep day prepared me for the exam, the sample and test papers are brilliant. The career services team are truly brilliant at both teaching the prep course and following up. I highly recommend anyone going for mature nursing to do the prep day”

– Alison O Mahony, Co.Cork 

“Career Services has been extremely beneficial to me! When I decided that I wanted to study nursing as a mature student I was pretty daunted by what was ahead. A friend recommended Career Services to me as he had been in a similar situation and I can really see why. It was made extremely easy and straight forward. Everything was accessible and I feel like they genuinely cared! I had no idea what was ahead of me with the written assessment test and after the information day I left feeling relaxed and I had everything I needed to prepare myself. As a result I did pretty well in the test (which definitely wouldn’t have happened had I not attended the preparation course). I would have no hesitations in recommending Career Services to anyone. Thanks again for all the help and advice! :)”

– Marian O’ Donnell, Co. Tipperary 

“I found the Career Services course that is available for Mature nursing excellent, it gave myself a great insight in what was due to come up for the mature student nursing preparation Exam, it showed me what areas I needed to improve in etc,  so I would pass the exam. The course was very informative and the staff working on the day showed real passion and it really showed on the day. I can honestly say that from taking this course it has given myself the chance on passing the exam. Returning to education as a Mature student is a  task in its self but with this course  gives you a great chance in succeeding in what you set out to do. I would recommend this course to anyone who is pursing Nursing as a Career and can genuinely say it’s money well spent only for this course I really don’t know if I would have passed. Thank you very much :)”

– Lauren Ryan, Co. Offaly 

“I passed my test and hopefully going to do Psych Nursing in September. Your one day training is something I’ll ABSOLUTELY recommend because for the first time the instructor made mathematics approachable and I wished I had him as my maths teacher earlier. Thank you so much”

– Ezenwa C. Diala, Co. Dublin 

“I was delighted to pass the aptitude test and I believe it was due to the fact I attended the preparation course for the mature nursing. I felt totally prepared for the exam after completing all the practice exams I was given on the day of the course. I would highly recommended the one day preparation course to anyone to ensure you know what to expect on the day of the exam. The one day course takes away the stress of the unknown”

– Hazel,  Co. Offaly

Please note: Career Services is a privately run education company. We have no affiliation to the Nursing and Midwifery Board Ireland, the CAO or the Test provider. We base our preparation courses on the types of tests that have appeared in previous years and have had great success with this method. Our courses aim to give candidates the very best tuition with the information that is available at the time of the preparation course but obviously we can take no responsibility for any future changes that the NMBI make to the exam. 

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