Scheduled Maintenance: Please be informed that our e-learning platform will undergo essential maintenance from Monday, 29th July to Tuesday, 30th July. During this period, access to the platform may be intermittent or unavailable. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us on Thank you for your understanding and patience.
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2023 Dates and Venues

Included as part of the Ultimate Preparation Programme are the live sessions.

We will host a number of Live Information and Q&A sessions which will provide you with the most up to date information in relation to applying for Mature Student Nursing places and give you an opportunity to ask our tutor any questions you may have.​

When you book the course, you will get immediate access to our E-Learning Platform’s online lessons, tutorials, and practice tests. You will also be able to attend the live webinar sessions outlined below. You will be contacted by email in advance with full details on how to join the live session. Don’t worry if you cannot attend any of the webinar sessions as a recording of each session will be made available on your E-Learning Platform account.

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