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Don't just take our word for it!

Below is just a sample of the hundreds of positive testimonials we have received.
We would like to thank all the students that took the time to share their experience.

Ben Casey

HPAT Student

Greatness Agwaze

HPAT Student

Diana Hrisovescu

HPAT Student

Saoirse Maloney

HPAT Student

Barry Geary

HPAT Student

Keira O’Brien

HPAT Student

Please Note: Applying for a Career Services preparation course is not applying for an apprenticeship. Career Services is a private company that helps people to prepare for entrance exams and interviews and bears no association or influence with the organisations mentioned on this website. Our course is not mandatory it is optional.

Preparation Course


“I am very grateful for coming across the Career Services HPAT course when I was preparing for my HPAT for the third time. The whole course was very well structured and organised. The tutors and the support system were excellent. I especially found the techniques for sections 1 and 2 very helpful. I wound not have gotten into medicine without this course and I would recommend it to anyone looking to ace their HPAT.”
~Poorvaja Adiraju, Dublin

“My experience with you guys was brilliant and the course was undoubtedly helpful, so once again thank you for everything”
~ Anil Mathew, Co.Donegal

“Thanks to Career Services HPAT entry course, I was able to enter into my first choice of medicine in the RCSI. Their course helped me increase my HPAT score from 173 to 186. I can’t recommend them highly enough.”
Kevin Foley, Co.Dublin

“I had a really positive experience with Career Services. Before I started studying for the HPAT I was completely overwhelmed and intimidated by what seemed like the most difficult exam ever. Choosing the Career Services prep course was definitely the best decision I made. The day course simplified the whole process and the tutor addressed all the worries I had. The course is a very reasonable price for all the material and support. I found the customer service to be beyond compare. I was over the moon with my results!” 
~ Kate Gaughan, Co. Mayo

 “Firstly, I felt that the HPAT exam is one of the most difficult exams to prepare for as very little information is available from schools or teachers so immediately a student naturally feels nervous and often confused as to where to start. As soon as I discovered this course all that changed for me. They offer a huge range of online materials and practice questions which definitely helped me to focus and structure my preparation for the HPAT around my Leaving Cert studies. I found it particularly helpful that the materials were also posted to me so that it wasn’t all online as the test itself is on paper. I was also struck by the many helpful hints and tips such as the time one should spend on each question and the detailed explanations concerning the reasoning behind each answer. I found this particularly useful as it helped me to understand what approach was best suited to each style of question. In addition, what I found the best aspect of this course without doubt was the day session that I attended. It provided me with invaluable information on how best to approach each section and any question I had was answered with kindness and knowledge. I was able to meet with others who were going through exactly what I was, and this helped to give a very different perspective. It showed me that I was not alone in my struggles and it gave me the determination to continue. The person providing the course was extremely professional but also approachable and this created a productive and enjoyable atmosphere and I am very grateful to him. Finally, this course also includes a mock HPAT exam a week before the real exam and this provided me with experience that allowed me to enter the exam hall with confidence and the belief that I had done all I could to prepare for the HPAT exam. I would strongly recommend it to anyone wishing to perform to the best of their abilities in the HPAT exam. Without this course I know that I would not have been able to obtain the score that I did, and I would not be on my way to achieving my dream of becoming a doctor, so I truly owe a great deal to this fantastic service!” 
Jessica Klein, Co. Mayo 

“The HPAT is a minefield compared to the relatively reliable structure of the Leaving Cert. That is why the guidance that Career Services provides is so valuable. The course day gave me a really good understanding of how the HPAT should be approached. As well as that, the many study hours’ worth of material that I received helped me to fine tune my preparation. No matter how well prepared you are, the HPAT exam will never go totally to plan, but with the excellent training I had received I was able to stick to the structured approach that I had learned, leading to a score I was extremely happy with. Career Services showed me that you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for top quality HPAT preparation”
Shane Mooney, Co. Sligo 

The HPAT Ireland exam is definitely a unique exam which offers a very different challenge to the Leaving Certificate. This uniqueness made the exam feel scary for me, especially as I was the only one from my school completing it. It’s totally separate and different to the Leaving Certificate which meant that there was no support from my school. However, the Career Services Complete HPAT Preparation Package really removed any mystery surrounding the exam. It provided excellent insights into each exam section as well as what to expect on the day. The small class size meant that everybody could really get involved and learn from the lessons. The supervised mock exam a few weeks beforehand was an excellent trial run. What I found most beneficial from the Career Services course was the suggested study ideas and time management plans for the exam. In your Leaving Certificate year, good time management is critical with many pressures on your time. The course helped me to plan my time to ensure that I spent adequate time on all aspects of sixth year; Leaving Cert, HPAT, sport, family, friends. The HPAT is also an incredibly time intensive exam but using tricks learned from this course, I was able to ensure that I answered every question, allowing me to maximise my marks. Without the help I received from Career Services I could not have even dreamed of achieving my HPAT score and I would strongly recommend anyone to place their trust in them. It’s well worth the effort! 
Isabel Doyle, Co. Monaghan

I found the HPAT to be one of the most challenging exams on my journey to study medicine. It was very difficult and required a lot of preparation. With the help of Career Services, I got the head start I needed, and it made the HPAT a lot more accessible and it didn’t seem so impossible. I was delighted when I received my result and I knew I couldn’t have done it without the help of this preparation course. All the hard work was worth it when I received my offer to study medicine at Trinity College Dublin, my dream course”
~ Alannah McMahon, Co. Clare 

I will be forever grateful to the team at Career Services for all their help and support in my preparation for the HPAT exam. When I first decided I wanted to pursue a career in medicine the HPAT was the only thing standing in my way, it was daunting to say the least. With the help of Career Services’ notes and the mock exam I overcame this obstacle, it helped to steady my nerves and keep me calm in the exam as I had already experienced an exam setting. Now as I look forward to the beginning of my medical career I know I’m only here because of the help of the Career Services team, I would highly recommend them to any hopeful doctor. 
Orna Cantillon, Co. Limerick – Medical Student UCC 

“The HPAT was without a doubt one of the most challenging exams I have ever sat. It can be particularly scary because unlike the Leaving Certificate, your school does not prepare you. The Careers Services preparation course along with their fabulous preparation pack filled with notes and practice material gave me great direction in my studies. They tackled every aspect of the HPAT, from time management to critical thinking to what to bring on the day. Their preparation package was by far the best value for money, excellent price for an excellent service! I would highly recommend Careers Services to anyone feeling uncertain or wary about the HPAT, they give you an automatic advantage!
~ Emily Anna Panteli, Co. Wexford – Medicine student in RCSI. 

Career Services was, without doubt, the most helpful tool in my journey to securing a place in Medicine. The course was calming, reassuring, and gave me confidence for the challenge ahead. The sample questions and practical advice proved to be a vital part of my preparation. The Mock exam helped with nerves for the big day and provided an extra resource of questions for that final week. Career Services provided an excellent service and an exceptional follow up continued until my CAO place was secured. Thanks to Career Services I have now secured my first-choice place to study Medicine in RCSI, Dublin. 
Emer Rose Kealy, Co. Wicklow – Medicine student in RCSI

The HPAT exam was completely different from any exam I’d seen so I really needed guidance and advice in order to do well in it. Career Services provided this. After researching different courses, I decided to choose theirs to help me prepare for the HPAT and it was definitely the right decision. After attending the day course and listening to the invaluable tips and techniques given the HPAT didn’t seem so daunting anymore and I was able to face the exam with more confidence. The material provided was great, very thorough and really helped me make sense of the questions. The mock exam helped me with timing and got rid of some of my nerves as well so I was much more calm on the day of the real exam. I’m delighted to have secured a place in medicine now and have attained a good HPAT result which I would have struggled to achieve without the help of Career Services. I would recommend their course to anyone looking to prepare for the HPAT exam, I found it so helpful.
Aoife McDonagh, Co. Limerick 

“I fully believe that I would not have achieved my place here in medicine without the help of Career Services.  When I first took a look at a sample HPAT exam I was incredibly disheartened. But, with the superb help of Career Services, everything was made completely clear. Because of this course I had the material, help and understanding required to tackle the HPAT exam. I felt confident entering the exam where I once would have felt hopeless. Now I am studying the course of my dreams and when I look back I can not recall any feeling of dread towards the HPAT. It became something within my reach.  I would highly recommend Career Services for their to-the-point and friendly help.”
 Emma O’Sullivan, Galway. Medicine student in NUIG


Survey Responses

How was your experience overall?

“It was super informative and it definitely helped me understand everything about the HPAT. I genuinely enjoyed and benefited from it”

“Excellent. It was extremely well run and very much on time. I feel much more confident in going forward with my HPAT”

“Pretty excellent I enjoyed learning the tips and techniques”

“Very helpful and gave great insights and tips for approaching questions in all sections”

“It was of high standard, enjoyed learning about the HPAT and was engaged the whole time”

“I really enjoyed it, the quality overall was great, it was very well structured. Very easy to follow and understand”

“I thought it was a great course. the tutor seemed really dedicated and nice and engaging and it wasn’t boring at all”

“Very insightful, I am now at ease when it comes to the section as I have confidence in knowing I am aware of the types of approaches”

“I thought that the course content and course delivery were fantastic. Thank you”

“Really interesting and educational”

“Very good. Very informative. Learned lots of new ways to tackle questions”

“Very helpful, and I learnt many useful techniques”

“Excellent. Very informative”

“Excellent, I really enjoyed it”

“It was very well conducted and articulated”

“I found it very good overall”


“Was really enjoyable”


“It was brilliant”

“Very Good”

“Good and beneficial”

“Thoroughly found it very helpful and hopefully because of it have got the points I need”

What did you like most about the course?

“I liked how we were able to practice the questions in real time and the way it was very understandable considering the content was quite complex. I also enjoyed being able to take it from home”

“I really liked how organised the course was”

“I liked the explanation especially the video graphics done for non verbal section it really helped me understand better. The presentation and explanation of each section was and the hpat was very informative”

“I liked how there was an in depth analysis of every single question so I was never lost with any of them”

“I enjoyed trying to solve the questions but my favourite part was the section 2 part even though I need to work harder on that section”

“The 5 minute breaks helped me to stay concentrated throughout the day course and having the notes beside me was also beneficial”

“The clear explanation of Section 3 of the HPAT exam, with the use of animations and step by step analysis of each type of question”

“I thought the course had a nice pace and the frequent short breaks helped concentration”

“The way he didn’t just drone on but gave us a chance to answer sample questions”

“It was clear and to the point and provided very useful and relevant information and tips”

“The breakdown of the information about answering the questions”

“The teacher took his time to explain everything in detail”

“Well informed. Everything covered equally. Great lot of practice”

“Working through examples together really made a difference”

“Going through the questions in each section and being able to ask questions”

“They were very helpful and the teaching was of a great standard”

“The way in which we went through all of the answers logically”

“Going through the questions and answers”

“The explanation and breakdown of each section”

“Clear explanation and easy to follow”

“Section C was my favourite”

“The explanations of the questions”

“Interactive experience”


Is there anything we could improve on?

“No. Honestly I can’t even imagine attending the actual facility. It was so much better learning from the comfort of my own home. Everything was organised and structured”

“There is nothing about this course that could be improved. The teaching, presentation and structure of the course were outstanding. Thank you!”

“No I think everything that was discussed was in high quality and I enjoyed listening and working out the solutions”

“There’s nothing I can think of that I would change”

“No everything was great”

“I don’t think so I loved it”

“No, it was wonderful”

“Not in my opinion”



Have you attended any other courses? 

“I have not attended any other Career Services preparation course this year, but I did attend webinars for the BMAT and UCAT. This course was the best by far”

MedEntry. Your course was excellent, I only used Medentry for extra practice questions.

Please note:HPAT®-Ireland Exam is a registered trademark of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). CS Career Services Ltd. preparation courses are unaffiliated with and not endorsed by ACER. Our preparation materials are based the format of the HPAT-Ireland assessment and provide the best tuition with the information that is available at the current time. We cannot accept responsibility for any possible changes to future assessments.

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