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Garda Interview Preparation

The Garda Interview consists of a competency based interview. This is a highly structured interview where candidates are informed in advance of a number of key competencies. The competencies which are predefined by the interview board are key skills deemed necessary to serve effectively as a member of An Garda Síochána. During the interview candidates are asked to give examples of instances when they displayed each of the competencies effectively. Obviously, how well candidates prepare in advance will dictate how well they will perform in the interview.

To help candidates succeed in the Garda interview, Career Services provide our renowned Garda Interview preparation course. Our online Garda interview course is designed and delivered by our highly knowledgeable and experienced tutors and gives you the best preparation to succeed at your Garda interview.

Pay & Career Progression

During our  Online Garda Interview Preparation Course all aspects of the Garda Interview will be fully covered. Take your Garda interview with confidence with our one of a kind interview preparation course.


Module 1: Understanding the Garda Interview

  • In this lesson, the tutor will help you to fully understand the interview process

Module 2: Preparing for the Garda interview

Competency Lessons 

Module 3: Performing in the Garda interview

Tutor Lesson

Interview Tips 

Self-Recorded Practice 

  • Practice your interview responses for the video interview
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