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Garda Fitness Test

Stage 3 Fitness Test / Physical Competency Test

All Garda applicants will undergo a Fitness Test and Physical Competence Test as part of the Garda recruitment application process and their subsequent training.

Applicants must pass all elements of the test and there is strictly no deviation from the format of the test. This is the final stage of the Garda recruitment process and passing cannot be taken for granted, even if you consider yourself fit and healthy, as the physical competency test is very challenging.

The Department of Justice released figures in January 2023 showing that more than 1 in 6 Garda recruits failed the fitness test (Lally, 2023) , rising to more than 1 in 3 based on reports at the end of February 2023 (Sheehan, 2023).

A Medical Examination, Substance Misuse Testing and Garda Vetting is also carried out at this stage.

Preparing for the Garda Fitness Test

Components of the Fitness Test

Part of the requirement is to pass a rigorous physical competency test. This physical competency test has two stages. Should a participant fail any element of either stage they much repeat the entire stage.

Stage 1: 20 Metre Multi Stage Fitness Test & Muscular Endurance Test

There are three parts to Stage 1;

    1. Progressive shuttle run,
    2. sit-up test (one-minute time limit)
    3. press-up test (no time limit)

Stage 2: Physical Competence Test


20 Metre Multi Stage Fitness Test & Muscular Endurance Test:

This involves running continuously between two points 20 metres apart at a set time that gradually decreases until the candidates cannot keep up the intervals.  The requirement for completion and dissection depends on the physiological difference between male and female candidates as well as the age of candidates.

Minimum Standards for the 20 Metre Shuttle Fitness Test

Age Males Total Distance Females Total Distance
18-29 yrs Level 8.5 1240m Level 6.10 1020m
30-39 yrs Level 7.7 1100m Level 5.9 860m
40-49 yrs Level 6.3 860m Level 4.9 660m


Minimum Standards for the ‘Sit Up’ Test (one minute)

Age Males Females
18-29 yrs 37 28
30-39 yrs 31 21
40-49 yrs 26 16

Minimum Standards for the Press Up Test (no time restriction)

Age Males Females
18-29 yrs 24 19
30-39 yrs 19 14
40-49 yrs 13 9


Between the two test stages candidates are provided a 2 hour break to recuperate.


Circuit Obstacle

You must complete the full circuit 3 times in under 3 minutes and 20 seconds

Candidates have to demonstrate that they are of a sufficient standard in terms of speed, balance strength and quick thinking.

The circuit comprises of an obstacle course with various obstacles which will mimic situations you may encounter in a real life chase scenario including:

  •  Sprint start
  • Weave through cones
  • Walk along a balance beam
  • Lift a car wheel and carry it 3 metres
  • Go underneath a barrier
  • Jump over a mat (one metre wide)
  • Drag a 45kg mannequin 2 metres
  • Run up and down a stairs
  • Climb over a gate
  • Sprint 10 metres
  • Complete circuit 3 times in fastest time possible Pass standard is 3 mins and 20 secs


During the circuit candidates may incur time faults by not correctly performing a component of the test – for example stepping off the balancing beam or knocking cones over.



Our online Garda fitness preparation course is as part of our Garda Complete Package and provides you with a complete fitness training programme designed and delivered by our expert fitness coach, Jonathan Davis.

This programme will guide you to build your fitness over a series of carefully designed sessions to build your aerobic and anaerobic capacity, your muscular endurance, strength, speed and agility

By following this programme you can expect to build your fitness to the necessary levels to meet all of the requirements for the physical competency test which include;

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